Chris Nold: Two Poems


Today the sunlight,
a hello.
Waking next to
grammatical people,
genderless & plural,
taking swings at formless things.
Words, a symptom of attempting
to speak in the fourth person,
not I or you or they,
but one who is there,
or was there,
though not to all, or any, really,
but the first person, singular.

“You can't be wise and in love at the same time.”
Bob Dylan said that one time, I think.

He didn't so much fall off the tightrope
after a year of balance, as much as he was bisected
into hemispheres, divorcing the pain
from the wound, though at times he struggles
to recognize between the two, vacillating unknowingly,
a coin in constant flip.

He used to drive a Camry
and watch too much television.
So today, when he told her
that he would love her longer
than any Toyotathon,
to him that meant forever.

Drunk and stumbling on introspection,
whether I found the garden that night
or found myself in the garden is irrelevant
at this juncture.
In front of me, a woman, unknown.
Language as we know, is a virus,
generalities a pandemic.
On iron knees we are rusted in
worship of 4-letter words.
I've written on this subject before.
The institution to this day owes me my winnings
for the tale I approximated, two lovers
intertwined on the cool grass of the cemetery,
their spirits entwined above,
bolstered by the offerings of another.
Love, the wild intangible,
in a world bankrupt & middling,
a market inefficiency,
that allows the combination of one and one to equal three.
And if that equation is difficult to comprehend,
then you're on your way to getting it.

Reverse Commuter #4 (5' 1")

it's not her fault really
throwing out the toothbrush left behind
she speaks I think it's russian
comes by once a month
how could she have known
unsteady weightless
i need some air
sidewalk closed use pedestrian walkway
feeling stuck
like the birds of grand central
overslept if at all
waking up in shoes I didn't leave wearing
front door ajar keys tbd
suburban bound new haven line
dim the screen swiping through
forensics they've estimated
the height of christ and I'm sure we all
look at ourselves how does one
process something like that
it appears i tried to pay someone last night
via venmo for tHe waay we uss ed to be
transaction denied
today just as last week google my name + obituary
no relevant results try it for yourself
curious there were four for hers
that's a new way of looking at this
none were her of course
there's still a possibility anything could happen
a delusion carried with me like the toothbrush
in my luggage fished from the trash
google search dental practices old judea
next stop mamaroneck.

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